Chapter 29: September 11th

In Real Life, a small band of the al-Queda terrorist network, a terrorist group operating outside the law, takes it upon themselves to rid the world of the scourge of the United States. They fly a surprise attack against the United State’s primary symbol of its economic power, and destroy the World Trade Center. In “Operation Enduring Freedom”, the United States, angry at the loss of its World Trade Center, initiates a massive campaign against the al-Queda terrorist network, destroying their main base of operations.

In Star Wars, a small band of the Rebel Alliance, a terrorist group operating outside the law, takes it upon themselves to rid the universe of the scourge of the Empire. They fly a surprise attack against the Empire’s primary symbol of its war power, and destroy the Death Star. In “The Empire Strikes Back”, the Empire, angry at the loss of its Death Star, initiates a massive campaign against the Rebel Alliance, destroying their main base of operations. In “Return of the Jedi”, the Rebel Alliance retaliates to destroy the Empire’s last power center, and along with it, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. Thus a new age is ushered in, with the galaxy no longer in the grips of the Empire, but returning to the teachings of the Jedi.

Logically, in “Return of the Muslims”, the al-Queda terrorist network retaliates to destroy the United State’s last power center, and along with it, President Bush and Colin Powell. Thus a new age is ushered in, with the world no longer in the grips of the United States, but returning to the teachings of the Muslims.

Added later:

This has been by far my most controversial chapter, with many people taking both sides on whether something like this should even be written. My purpose with the piece was not to offend, but rather to force a different perspective at a time where it seemed there was a halt on independent thought.


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