All of the following applies to the Great American Road Trip, an adventure undertaken by myself and Mark.
- Distance driven between July 8th and August 6th: 7,697 miles
- Amount by which this increased the mileage of Mark’s Civic: 20%
- Difference between this and the Earth’s diameter: 229 miles
- Number of loops around the Capital Beltway the trip represents: 120
- Length of time this would take a Segway if it never stopped: 27 days
- Total amount of money spent on gasoline: $894
- Highest price paid for gasoline, and location: $5.50, Yosemite National Park, California
- Lowest price paid for gasoline, and location: $3.50, Iowa
- States driven through, in order of first appearance: Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland
- Total new states bagged for Mark (his rules, not mine): 9
- Number of nights spent in hotels, campsites and homes, respectively: 10, 8 and 10
- Number of prior acquaintances with whom we visited: 24
- Portion of the nights we spent drinking: 59%
- Number of consecutive winning Craps rolls thrown by Sam at Casino Royale, Las Vegas: ~12
- Maximum speed achieved, and location: 106 MPH, Bonneville Salt Flats
- Maximum temperature recorded, and location: 120 °F, Canyonlands National Park
- Number of chain eateries we ate at more than once: 0
- Number of songs on the iPod we listened to more than once: 0
- Outstanding legal issues that will possibly lead to an arrest warrant being issued by the state of Texas: 1
- Judgement of the trip as being surprising, boring, dirty, exciting, straining, memorable, lonely, frightening, repetitive, (philosophically) romantic, noteworthy, stressful and unbelievably fulfilling: totally
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