Chapter 119: Sam’s Halloween Spectacular

Zombiegeddon cover

Happy Halloween everyone. Our story starts in the fall of 2002, on a sunny afternoon in a quiet neighborhood of Cleveland, OH. I was working as a radio station DJ, and that afternoon the station general manager sent out an e-mail to the general list saying:

There’s an independent film crew in town that was hoping to shoot some footage of our radio station. They say it’s the only authentic looking radio station they’ve been able to find during filming (screw you Clear Channel!!), and I need someone who’d be willing to go and babysit them for a couple hours this afternoon.

It was weird enough to pique my interest, so I responded and headed over. Expecting to find a couple of filmmakers and an actor or two, I was a little surprised when the door to the station was surrounded by half a dozen zombies. The local film producers were filming the final scene of Zombiegeddon, a horror movie that cost about $10,000 to make, yet features an ensemble cast.

I’m not going to describe what happened next, because some things are just too awesome for words. What I will tell you is that, during the course of events, I was chosen to be the body double for an actor holding a knife during the scene in which zombies rush into the room to kill her. The clip doesn’t make a damn bit of sense, but look for the arm with the black sleeve holding a knife menacingly in front of the camera. That’s me.

Summary: I was a body double in a Zombie movie. Look for the black sleeve and the knife.

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Things to note:

  1. My arm was in Zombiegeddon with Edwin Neal, who was in JFK with Kevin Bacon, giving me a pseudo-bacon number of 2.
  2. My Erdős–Bacon number remains undefined.
  3. The arm holding the knife when the zombies rush in has a black sleeve; her sleeves are some sort of animal print.
  4. The movie includes a cameo by Ron Jeremy.
  5. My arm is used as a body double for a woman.
  6. Therefore, my arm is used as a body double for a woman in a movie featuring Ron Jeremy.


One response to “Chapter 119: Sam’s Halloween Spectacular”

  1. Walnut

    God Damn Zombies! I hate Zombies! I’m glad there are no Cleveland blood Zombies allowed in France.

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