Category: Travel

  • Chasing the Gaijin: Tokyo to Osaka

    The first thing you notice when you land in Japan: the place is filled with Japanese people.

    Not just filled, overflowing. It sounds like a stupid thing to say, but it is a shock after living in a city as ethno-diverse as Washington, DC. Outside of the airport and certain tourist hotspots, it is 99.5% Asian.

    I have read some good travel blogs in my day, namely Andrew as he navigated the entirety of Asia, and I know I do not have the chops (patience) to pull it off. Instead I plan on doing a post-trip picture odyssey, much like my previous offerings.

    Japan is fucking nuts. You should go sometime.

  • Chasing the Gaijin: Sam goes to the land of the Rising Sun

    It hasn’t been the same since my old roommate Chase left for Japan eight months ago. The local sonic landscape lost a source of pervasive indie-rock. There is one less Maoist messenger bag wandering the streets of Alexandria. Those cold winter nights without sexually ambiguous physical contact leave many in the DC metro area wanting, waiting for something more. Barring an early return of Chase, I’m taking matters into my own hands.

    I’m going to Japan. I’ll be gone from around April 14th through April 29th.

    Apparently never without an Indian at my side, my friend Arpan (who loves metal) from the office is joining me for the first week, and then for the second week I will be joined by Goldie (who loves frisbees). Once there, we hope to answer the following questions:

    1. Should Sam attempt to climb Mt. Fuji, reason and safety be damned?
    2. Will Arpan be able to find food without the juice of dead animals in it?
    3. Can Goldie handle going to an authentic Onsen, one where they don’t allow swimsuits?
    4. Has Chase broken into the used-japanese-schoolgirl-panty-vending-machines industry yet?

    Check back for occasional updates, and I hope to post pictures whenever possible. If you want a really awesome postcard, send me an e-mail with your mailing address:

    P.S. If you haven’t before, check out Chase’s informative blog: Chase the Gaijin